Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day Twenty-four: A Taste of Texas

Tonight we had a special treat: a visit to Mike's parents' home for some Texas style home cooking.  Mike's parents were raised in West Texas.  Like a true Texan, Mike's Mom, Kay, doesn't let silly little things like butter, oil, or calories get in her way while she cooks.  Tonight she invited us over for one of her favorites: chicken fried steak.

We had to wait for Papa to get home before we could eat.  Jack watched patiently at the window until we finally saw his car.  Hi Papa!

I was ecstatic when I saw that Kay was going to enable my bread addiction.  Texas toast!  Texas toast is a problem for me.  It's just the right mix of soft and crunchy, and every bite just makes me want more.  It requires great will power for me to limit myself to one or two slices of this divine treat.  Please don't ask me to share.  I will go Gollum on you.  I'll snatch and snarl, and you may even hear me hiss my precious!

Kay dished out the chicken fried steak while I made Jack's plate.  Since Kay is a wonderful GaGa who couldn't bear to see Jack go hungry, she made him some mac and cheese.

She is used to picky eaters, after raising three picky boys and caring for six picky grandkids.  She doesn't get offended when someone doesn't care for her cooking.  Ain't that nice?

We had plenty to eat tonight.  Kay and Lowell will be having leftovers tomorrow!  Look at this spread!

Dinner was delicious.  I cleaned my plate and went back for seconds (thirds for the Texas toast... when among family, no need to rein in).

Mike, surprisingly, didn't finish his dinner.  He left a big pile of mashed potatoes and nearly all his chicken fried steak on his plate.  We discovered that chicken fried steak is the only type of meat Mike doesn't like.  This proves that there is an exception to every rule.  True with English grammar; true with Mike's meat affection. 

Of course this didn't bother Kay one bit.  She just laughed as she smiled at him, recalling that his eyes have always been bigger than his stomach.  As a child, she recounted, he would fill his plate.  He piled it with as much food as it could hold, all the while professing his impending doom due to starvation.  By the end of dinner, his plate was still nearly full.   

I have to agree, since I've seen the same thing happen again and again.  I have to remind Mike that this is one reason he's not allowed to do the grocery shopping.  This is also why I have to be on my game when we order at restaurants.  The minute the menu hits his hand I have to start talking him down, gently and slowly, until he has decided not to order those two appetizers and the family-sized entree. 

At least everyone else loved their dinner.  We even got to enjoy some homemade banana pudding for dessert!  I had great hopes for Jack trying and liking this, since he likes bananas and Nilla wafers. 

He preferred to limit his involvement to delivering the desserts. 

We all thought this was exceptionally cute.  I was really excited, though, because I hadn't realized he was old enough or balanced enough to tote full plates across the room and put them on a table.  Mommy's hiring servers for the kitchen, and the position has now been filled.  Jackpot!

We loved our dinner tonight.  It was so nice to get out of the house and eat someone else's home cooked goodness.  Nights with GaGa and Papa are always fun and filling, and we smile all the way home. 

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