Mike is back in the apron tonight! I'm so glad it's his turn to cook. He always puts a lot more effort into meals than I do. There's always less cleaning at the end, too. Now that he has been introduced to the food pyramid (not the food rectangle as he used to live by: meat upon meat upon meat), he turns out some pretty balanced meals.
As you can see, he was happy to get back into that apron, too. I would like to point out that that is in fact my apron, which he gave me as a gift. I'm more than happy to share.
Somehow Mike was able to leave work, pick up Jack from day care, go to the grocery store, and prepare an amazing dinner all before I got home from my evening Spanish class. He even made Jack his own little meal ahead of time.
That's marinara sauce... the kid loves to dip! The sauce is technically for his grilled cheese, but you'll often see him giving his fruits or veggies a good soaking as well.
While Jack ate, Mike prepared our dinner. He was grilling asparagus, his favorite vegetable, tonight. What could make a vegetable even better? How about wrapping some meat around it!
I'd like to make some more jokes about how Mike can't eat a vegetable unless it's wrapped in meat. I can't, however, because these asparagus bundles were awesome. There will be no leftovers of these green guys.
Next, Mike marinated two swordfish filets in our favorite grilling sauce: Doc Jack's. We use this all the time on salmon.
Apparently, Mike grilled himself a little appetizer while waiting for me to get home.
That bacon was in no way incorporated into the dinner, and was carefully left unmentioned by the chef. Arg!
At least the dinner was healthy!
When I sat down to dinner, I had to take a moment to admire the full, colorful plate.
Of course, I started with the bread. The asparagus was great with the salty prosciutto, and contrasted nicely with the slightly spicy swordfish. We both tried our hardest to clean our plates.
Unfortunately, Jack was having none of it. When I put some swordfish on his plate he reacted as though I'd deposited a dead toad there. He wouldn't calm down until I moved the fish back to my own plate. We didn't even try for the asparagus. While he's not digging lettuce leaves yet, he loves croutons. We fed him two-tons til his belly was full and he was begging to get "out, out" of his chair.
Mike and I were still enjoying our sit-down dinner, but Jack had other plans. Tonight he just wasn't going to let us relax. He demanded that we get up. We were firm and exacting at first, saying that we had to sit and finish our dinner. After a few minutes the whining got unbearable and we both acquiesced. Of course that was the moment when Jack couldn't decide what to play and couldn't get us to understand what he wanted. This led to more frustration on all parts, lots of NO!s, and even some tears.
Thank goodness Basket-Head came through for us in the pinch.
Problem solved. Hillarity ensues.