Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day Eleven: Mr. Mom

Tonight I was busy teaching Little Spanish Playschool, so I wasn't around for dinner.  This means Mike got to play Mr. Mom.  He picked Jack up from day care, took him to Bass Pro to play on the boats, and got him home in time to eat a home cooked meal. 

Mike, who is too kind, makes Jack a separate meal that he knows Jack will eat.  Thus, another grilled cheese for the little tyrant.  Really I can't complain, because it's a balanced meal.  My philosophy is quite different, though.  When I cook, Jack must eat the same meal that Mike and I eat (more or less, and as you have seen by reading the blog, that means less).  I am sticking to my guns, though.  I am not going to cook two separate meals just because someone is a little picky.  If I start that now, I may very well still be doing it when Jack is 12.  Not happening.  Plus, how will he ever learn to try new and different foods if he eats fish sticks for dinner every night? 

This is actually a big issue in our house, and has led to several tense evenings.  Mike feels that the most important rule of dinner is that Jack eats a lot, even if that means we have to make him something special and redundant.  As you saw above, I don't agree.  And we are both 100% convinced that our view is perfectly correct and the only way to proceed. 

Oh, compromise: I do not like you. 

We are still in choppy water on this one.  So far, the consensus seems to be that when I cook dinner, I make the rules.  When Mike cooks dinner, he makes the rules.  Small concessions have been made, tiny peace offerings, but we are still miles from an agreement.  I'm hoping that Home Cook Challenge will throw some light on the issue.

Mike is not as grouchy as I am, and he was probably whistling while he made the second dinner of the night.  Taco night!

Really, what is better than the smell of browning meat?  Nothing.  Looking at that picture makes me hungry.

Thankfully, when I got home tonight Mike had the oven warm and everything ready for me to throw together some tacos.  It was a great welcome home, and I was thankful that Mr. Mom was on the job!