Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day Twenty-five: French Dip Sandwiches

It's another busy Wednesday, but I'm not quite as crazed as I was last week.  Therefore, I was able to set out some dinner for Mike before I left for my afternoon classes. 

Of course we had to rely on leftovers tonight, since I would be gone teaching.  Mike was going to be busy, too, since he was bringing Jack to Spanish class.  We were really excited about this, because I've been feeling pretty jealous watching all these mothers play with their babies in Spanish.  Finally I was going to get to bring Jack to class!  I knew he'd do well since we work on Spanish at home, and since he is exceptionally smart and cute at everything he does.  Slightly biased? Yes!

To our surprise and chagrin, Mike ended up with plenty of time to make dinner.  Jack had to be "excused" from Spanish class after lots of tears and some impressive floor flopping during a tantrum.  It turns out he was only exceptional at being naughty tonight.

By the time I got home I was famished.  A nice, warm french dip sandwich sounded just right on this drippy night.  I warmed the leftover roast in the microwave while the bread warmed in the oven.

A little knife work and it was ready for the sandwich. 

I wasn't sure if the au jus would be any good, since it was the sauce from the crock pot.  It was better than good.  It was warm and juicy and full of flavor.  It made the sandwich heavenly.

That's it, folks.  No side dish, no drink, no dessert.  By the time I was down to my last few bites Jack was hanging on my leg and it was bedtime.  Dinner was over, and dinner had been good.

I'm gladly handing the apron over to Mike for the rest of the week.  He has no idea what he will make tomorrow, so it should be a good surprise for all of us.